Hold your freeggi´n horses...

Title of the movie: "Hold your horses"
Starring: Åsa the horseowner
                 Frida the horsegetter
                 Akita the single dog
                 Lena the crazy horse-borstaren (ryktaren)
                 Charlotte the girl that said "all I need is to pee - then I´m happy" 


Scene one: Beeming light in the trollskogen.


Scene two: Two more horses wanted to join the drive in this fabilösa movie
                     Lena the crazy looked like Kenny in South Park and tried to make Akita
                     the single dog to do the same.
                     Surprise for the whole moviecrew - she didnt want to.

Scene three: Beeming light and Ricko lived his childhooddream as a cowboy.

Deleted scenes:
- Ja vi är här nu?
- Nä vi är inte här nu...

The End

Postat av: mia

:) grym film!!

2009-05-09 @ 23:54:02
Postat av: Lena

I know.

Lena the crazy very good manusförfattare:)

2009-05-10 @ 17:03:48
Postat av: Adde

vad du är ute och gör mycket olika grejer nuförtiden, sitter du aldrig still?

2009-05-10 @ 21:25:40

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